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Stella & Dot Review: Is it legitimate or a scam?

Stella And Dot Stylist Review

I belong to a MLM company now and am not making it work so this would probably not be for me. Also the idea of home parties for a marking plan is not an ideal plan. So many of the MLM rely on selling to family and friends and they really hate to see you when they know that is what you want from them. If you want to make top dollars, you can take a look at the way I make my money online. It doesn’t involve any home parties and it’s not limited to one type of industry or product. In fact if you have other passions outside of fashion and want to start a business around it, this company can help.

Stella And Dot Stylist Review

The good news is that a lot of online opportunities don’t require much money. Even if you only sell one commodity, you still get paid. A quote isn’t mandatory if you don’t have a downline. Having this perk sets this company apart from the competition. All businesses have to deal with customer complaints, so handling them right is a big deal for better market penetration. When it comes to customer complaints, Stella and Dot is very responsive.

Fun workplace and great mentorship

We are not the boss – more like a cheerleader and first point of contact with questions, frustrations, etc. As a veteran Stylist, I still call my Director 1 or 2 times per month, to ask for advice or get a quick question answered. She is paid well for giving me that support, and I in turn support my downline the same way. It would be totally discouraging to reach out to your team leader, only to find out that she is disengaged and knows less than you do. That said, after 3 months of not “qualifying” (selling less than $500) then your team will roll up to the next Qualified Leader. 4.) Sales minimums – if you are just a “regular” Stylist, there really aren’t any.

  • The presentation was short and the Stylist was amazing.
  • I’m a big advocate for direct sales opportunities like becoming a Stella & Dot stylist.
  • You just need to find what will work for you.
  • You need a lot of capital and resources when it comes to investing in your business.

So glad I quit and moved on and successfully found another, better paying Job the very next day. Stella And Dot Stylist Review Picking jobs are a dime a dozen they should consider that when they mistreat their employees.

I enjoyed selling the beautiful jewelry and am very passionate about it. With some direct sales companies, you must purchase products at wholesale , and sell for retail, in which case you keep the profit. Stella & Dot was a great place to work until new management came in and changed the culture. I would have loved for the company to have stayed in Scottsdale because there was a family atmosphere for the customer service team. Stella & Dot sells a wide range of products, including clothing accessories, not to mention their signature product is fashionable jewelry and more.

Quick Review And Rankings

I like the fashion, the flexibility, the fun and being a part of this community of entrepreneurial women. However, I would recommend you take this up, if you like selling or are ready to learn the art of selling. Includes everything from above, plus$350 in jewelry and accessories. You can check out this post on how to make free money and 50 work from home jobs to earn full-time income. They sell legitimate products and work within leal boundaries.

Some people just have a knack for putting the right outfits, shoes and accessories together. But then you have the flip side which are folks that are slaves to fashions. Jessica’s mantra has long been that today’s savvy women deserve it all.

“Make your own environment!! working from home is amazing”

We will be looking at a commission-based work at home stylist job with a well-known accessory brand named Stella and Dot. See why they call it digital real estate now? Among the best affiliate candidates are jewelry, lifestyle, fashion, gift, entrepreneurial, mommy, and wedding sites, including related blogs. Affiliates are paid a 12% commission on all qualifying transactions from new customers, and a 5% commission on all qualifying transactions from repeat customers. They also receive a $100 commission if they bring new Independent Ambassadors. The commission you receive increases proportionally with volume, so if you sell $5,000 or $10,000 in one month, you earn 32% or 35%.

Overall fun culture and environment in the home office. You will get out as much as you put in while employed at Stella & Dot. You get a discount but if you sell more you get much more, including increased pay and larger discounts and free items. I love the CEO and loved the annual conference, always a fun time and made plenty of friends while working for them. As a Stella & Dot stylist, you can see the products online and earn commission. However, there is a website renewal fee each year (approx. $100).

I guess stylists complained and so the credit was automatically issued. Home Office is very receptive to feedback. Stella & Dot is a direct sales and multi level marketing company that you can earn commissions by selling their stylish jewelry and accessories. Reps for the company are known as a Stella and Dot Stylist. When you host a home party they are known as “Trunk Shows“. You can also earn money by recruiting other Stella & Dot Stylists. When you own your own company, like I do with ALM Consulting, it’s 100% on you to create branding materials and buzz about your product.

Don’t recommend

Most of my communication happens to be email or texts. So enduring weekly calls would be a tough sale for me. I’m sure they’re useful to help you be successful. But I’d prefer webinars I can watch at my own pace or just being able to email people. That said, for many of you the idea of investing any money in a work at home opportunity just doesn’t sit well with you. So if that’s you, Stella & Dot isn’t for you. They pay you for activities you already do online such as visiting websites, playing games and much more.

Stella And Dot Stylist Review

But we are not a brick and mortar store, so Hostesses that offer their dining room table as a temporary shopping area are rewarded with free accessories for being hospitable. To be honest, my family and friends have never been a source of income for me because if they want something, I give it to them at my cost. I make $$ off of my customer base – not my peeps. As a side note, some things just look better in real life. I do make sales off of my website, but when people try it on, and feel the weight, etc, that’s where the $$ is. But you do have to be smart about joining these kinds of companies. First you have to be sure that the company and the brand speak to you, so that when you ARE selling the product it doesn’t feel like selling.

Stella & Dot Family of Brands Stylist Reviews

It more so feels like you are simply sharing what you love with the people around you. Since I blog, and youtube, and talk to whomever will listen about my latest favs in fashion, it make sense for me to join a company like this. But I’ll tell you what, I’ve been approached to sell Mary K, Nerium, Nu Skin, and Micore (which was actually pretty scammy and doesn’t exist anymore), and It Works.

Stella And Dot Stylist Review

In Stella and Dot terms, they are trunk shows. They are a good place to start with your styling business from home. If you decide to ask for opinion from people, you will get variety of arguments depending on their experience, but to repeat – Stella and Dot is legit and it is NOT a scam. I want to make one thing clear from the start. While Stella and Dot is not a scam at all, their representatives are independent individuals who may try to mislead you . Together with Blythe Harris, a jewellery designer from Banana Republic, they started Stella and Dot .

Resources that can help you with learning new skills and make money online:

You can still get into the jewelry business without worrying about products being out of stock or the customer service aspect. Or you can explore something else that is truly your passion.

  • As a veteran Stylist, I still call my Director 1 or 2 times per month, to ask for advice or get a quick question answered.
  • You can just come and go as you please if that’s what your life needs.
  • So in light of the information we found in this review, I would have to say no.
  • We will talk about this in detail later in the post.
  • You don’t have to be salesy about it or pushy.
  • Both women got MBAs at Stanford, which played a big role in their success.

And many people believe that, which is dangerous, because if you fail… what they are saying is that on YOU too. When we get to the higher end, the very top 0.2% (that’s 2 people out of a thousand), on average, earned $265,900. The low end of that average is $171,700 and the high end $693,500. Also, they are referring to active members. Although it’s not mentioned here, it should be safe to assume that many Stella and Dot stylists did not make any money. Learn how to earn from home without ever having to sell or recruit a single person.

IX. Do you have to have home parties with Stella and Dot?

Legally, they are not a pyramid scheme because legitimate products are being sold, and Stella and Dot operate within legal boundaries. If you’re told that 1 out of every 10 people on average will join … but you’ve shown it to more than 30 and no one is interested… it’ll start to feel like a scam. You were told it works, but it doesn’t seem to be working.

Is Stella and Dot a Scam? The Truth Exposed – A Must Read Review!

And my primary reason for not joining any of those programs was because I couldn’t figure out how I could add it to my life without it causing me to have to do extra stuff. It really has to fall in line with what you do already. And if you yourself believe in the product and enjoy it, you’ll get a lot out of the experience. If you choose to join any MLM company make sure it fits you and your life. Otherwise, you won’t sell, and you’ll feel as though you have been scammed. One of the nice things about Stella & Dot is that you truly work on your own time. You can do in-home Trunk Shows which give women a hands-on, personalized, social shopping experience – no glass cases, no pushy salespeople.

For those of you who are new to this industry, it is a standard payment and most direct sales companies would charge for providing website services. However, as of today, it is a direct sales company that sell lot more than just jewels. Digital real estate allows you to have total passive income with most of your day being spent WITH your friends, NOT selling to them. Stella and Dot MLM members earn an average annual income of less than $5,000. That’s really disappointing, especially since stylists work so hard to live the lifestyle they wanted.

About The Author

Sam Kumar

Conservative columnist